Always Running Behind. . .


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. . . seems to be my theme lately. Life is busy. I like to refer to it as full. My life is full. Bursting at the seams. I haven’t stopped to blog because there is always a kid who needs something or a chore to be done and at the end of the day this Momma is tired.

But, blogging is important to me. I want to inspire people to live the life they love, whatever that may be. I get bogged down and feel like I don’t have anything to offer. Yet over the past few months I’ve had people reach out to me, looking to make big life changes and asking me how I did it. I love these conversations. They energize me. I don’t have it all figured out. Not even close. But over the past year or so, we’ve taken risks and we have completely changed our life to try a path less traveled. We broke away from the norm and decided to try something different for a while and this is what life is all about. Taking chances, discovering yourself through your choices, always trying to be the best version of yourself. It’s about connecting with other people and helping people grow. It’s about giving my kids thousands of experiences to learn and grow from so that when they are ready to leave the nest they have the knowledge and experience they need to make the best life for themselves.

So yes, my life is busy, but I need to remember to slow down, connect and take time to record the seasons we are going through, the good ones and the harder ones.

Hopefully to connect with and inspire others along the way.

Let me know what your wildest dreams are or a big life change you decided to make. I love being inspired by other peoples’ stories.

One thought on “Always Running Behind. . .

  1. Glad you’re blogging – not only is it great for everyone else to read and see how you do it, but it’s so therapeutic for us mamas to have an outlet beyond the kids. I have loved blogging for this reason – to pour into writing, reset myself, and give me my own kick in the butt to be the example and the inspiration I want to be for others who are asking me questions. You can rock this and get it done, and have grace for the times when it’s just too much – can’t wait to adventure with you on the road!


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