The Decision: Tiffany’s Story

Holy Cow! I am about to start RV-ing full time with 5 kids. How in the world did I get to this point?

I love to travel. Period. It’s in my blood. I’ve always joked around with Shawn that we should just sell everything, buy an RV and travel. But it was a “joke” even if it was somewhat of my far-fetched dream.

Then my world changed. I suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest while swimming (More on that here.) due to an undiagnosed genetic arrhythmia. I had no pulse for almost 10 minutes, was in a coma for almost a week yet came out of it almost unscathed. When I woke up they did not know how much brain damage I would have, how much of my memory I had lost or if I would be the “same” person as before. The doctors implanted an ICD, my little “box”, that will zap my heart if it decides to act up and I have a few limitations, but other than that I’m me. I beat the odds and here I am! It is truly a miracle.

Needless to say it was a life altering event. It made me realize that this life can be gone in the blink of an eye. What kind of life did I want to have? What kind of memories did I want to make with my kids? I would lie awake and ponder my life and what I wanted needed to do. When Shawn tossed out the idea of full time RV-ing on our cross country drive to Indiana, I seized it. It hit me.

Simplifying our life.

Giving our kids the gift of experiences and memories.

Seeing new places and enjoying the beauty of the earth.

This is what I wanted. The answer for which I had been searching.

I am sure it will be full of challenges but the rewards will be worth it. I am excited about our decision and can’t wait to see how this next chapter unfolds. We will be sharing our journey, inspiration for living simply and tips for how we simplify our life to live it to the fullest.

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